Hi, I'm writing a short story about my classes this semester and then one sentence for each class, I am having four classes this semester in which the ''Datamining is software engineering'' is one amongst them deals with how mining is used in software development programming. Another one is'' Fundamentals of database'' deals with basic SQL and RDBMS. The third one is ''Topics in algorithm ’‘is an interesting topic is all about quantum computation in real world, and the final one is "Algorithm & complexity " deals with long an algorithm would take to complete given an input of size n.
In the field of Internet, the role of Domain Name Server is enormous, without DNS server it wouldn’t be possible to assign an IP address dynamically in both internet, intranet, and URLs into IP addresses. Here the data mining-based approaches assist the DNS services for threats in real-time to resolve the patterns in large query traffic data. Now a days vast increase in network topology, even problems are gradually arising in the DNS services. Here to partition numerous domain names into different groups-based query volume time series they approached Density-based clustering which can discover interesting, meaningful, and understandable patterns hidden in massive datasets. To our best knowledge the data mining has not been widely used in DNS query traffic analysis yet. Here by understanding the real-world DNS log dataset and the experimental results are presented.
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